Creating Immersive Experiences with Video Wall Displays: Design Principles and Best Practices

June 3, 2024


This article will guide readers through the process of designing and implementing video wall displays that create immersive experiences, highlighting essential design principles and best practices to maximize their impact.


Video wall displays are an easy way to create an immersive environment within your marketing strategy. Today, the technology has evolved to the point where it significantly enhances viewer engagement. A video wall display can provide material that encourages user satisfaction and customer integration. Utilizing these methods can encourage improved marketing efforts. But how complicated is this process, and what are the best practices for creating immersive experiences?

Design principles and best practices

When creating immersive experiences with video wall displays, there are several design principles and best practices to which you should adhere.

Visual Clarity

The first and most important is that your video wall display is visually clear. Visual clarity will vary depending on the size of the screen or the pixel density.

Consider pixels for a second. Pixels refer to the individual squares illuminated on a display. With large displays that you might see from the highway, the pixel density is very high, so you can see what is being displayed from far away, but that image doesn't have to be very clear as a result.

If you are considering installing video wall display monitors in your business and your audience is not going to be driving by the sign while traveling at 65 mph, you need a smaller pixel density with the pixels closer together. The closer they are together, the crisper the message will be.

This density is, of course, something to consider based on the distance you are choosing for installation. Remember that something you choose to install in the waiting area of your office might need a different pixel density compared to something you are installing in the parking lot that you know people will be looking at from 40 or 50 feet away.

Similarly, you need to consider the resolution so that you can maintain good image quality at different distances. The resolution you choose needs to be something that can support all of your video wall display monitors, no matter how far away they are from the audience. 

These are things that a professional company can help you with. They can generate content that has the right resolution for easy visibility and visual clarity no matter where a customer or client is standing, as opposed to a picture you create on your phone or in a generic computer program that may not be rendered accurately once it goes on a big screen.

Immersive Video Wall Display

Content Scaling

As mentioned, you need to make sure that the content you generate for your video wall display can be scaled appropriately. You might generate something or view something on a phone or tablet screen, but once it is displayed on a video monitor, it has a much bigger display size.

You can ensure that your content looks natural and undistorted across different display sizes with things like bright colors, the right type of background, limited ambient light, and, of course, proper resolution.

Color Consistency

Color consistency is important. If you have a video wall display, chances are you have multiple screens on the same wall, and in that case, you need to ensure that you have uniform color reproduction across all panels.

If you have the same content across three separate screens in your store, all of which have slightly different colors, your message stops being clear and instead becomes a message of confusion. Customers are bound to notice that the color display is broken or malfunctioning on one of the screens, and that's what they'll remember, not the promotional material on the display.

So make sure that all of your screens are reproducing colors the way that they should and that you don't have separate, bright colors that clash with each other across different screens at any given time.

Video Wall Display Immersive Design

Content development strategies

There are several content development strategies you can use with a video display wall. For starters, consider the colors. Try to invest in colors that are limited. You don't want displays on a video wall that are overrun with a rainbow of colors, just the same as you don't want that on printed marketing material.

However, you should make sure that the colors you utilize relate to your brand. Pick one of the colors that are in your logo or a part of your company and then juxtapose that as the background against the bright white text.

Consider investing in graphic design, animation, and video production that leverages the scale and capabilities of your video walls. For example:

  • If your company creates computer chips, consider creating three-dimensional videos that start with the blueprints for the chip, show the final product, and break it apart into all of its relevant pieces so that potential vendors and buyers can see parts of the design that make your computer chip unique.
  • If you have a medical practice, consider creating quick animations and videos that provide educational information on preventative health measures with things like cartoon renditions of how unhealthy food causes chain reactions inside the body.

What works best for your company will depend on your marketing strategies and overall goals for your video wall display.


When utilizing video wall display monitors, refer to the same design principles and best practices as you would for traditional marketing with a few amendments. Don't overwhelm viewers with too many graphics or too many colors. But create an immersive experience with your video wall displays by experimenting with new content development strategies that use animation or video production. Encourage more immersive experiences by scaling your content and making sure that it is visually stunning.

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