Simplifying Navigation with Different Types of Digital Wayfinding Signage

May 1, 2024


This article will provide a comprehensive guide on the various types of digital wayfinding signage, showcasing how these technologies simplify navigation and enhance user experiences in both indoor and outdoor environments.


Digital wayfinding has grown in importance over the last several years in large part because of the way in which wayfinding digital signage can be incorporated into various environments, both indoors and outdoors, in temporary or permanent situations.

There are several benefits of incorporating digital wayfinding signage for your company.

  1. Firstly, you can enhance the navigational experience.
  2. Secondly, you can save money that would otherwise be spent on people or signage that needs to be regularly updated or replaced.
  3. Thirdly, you can increase engagement with customers and clients by incorporating additional digital activities or displays with your digital wayfinding signage.
Digital Wayfinding Signage in a shopping center indicates the location of all important places

Understanding Digital Wayfinding Signage

So, what is digital wayfinding signage, and what are its primary components?

Wayfinding signage refers to any type of sign that your company displays to help people find their way around.

For example, this could be a hospital with signs that indicate which rooms are where or an office building that indicates which offices are occupied by different individuals, or even a large concert space that indicates upcoming shows as well as locations of things like bathrooms, souvenirs stands, and refreshments.

The primary components include a list of the things people need directions for and the appropriate directions to get there from where an individual is located when viewing the wayfinding signage.

Evolution of wayfinding signage

Historically, office buildings relied on individual lettering that could be stuck to mounted backboards. Then wayfinding signage involved physical printouts whether they were paper or plastic displays. 

  • The mounted backboards provided a space where changes could be made by simply removing each letter and replacing it.
  • The physical printouts like signs or posters provided more enticing displays but if updates were made, the entire thing had to be reprinted or revised.

Today, wayfinding digital signage has become the latest iteration, and that transformation has provided unprecedented flexibility.

For example:

  1. With a digital sign, outdoor digital wayfinding signage provides a chance to offer clients and customers the information they need in an outdoor setting where other signs might not have been as clearly visible because of size constraints.
  2. Today modern digital wayfinding signage can be easily updated without having to reprint or reorder anything. No one has to pull pieces off. Instead they simply update the primary document that is linked to the display board. This means that information can be readily updated with things like parking capacity limits, timelines for patients who are waiting on an appointment, and much more.

Types of Digital Wayfinding Signage

So, what are the different types of digital wayfinding signage that are available today?

Interactive Kiosks

As mentioned, interaction with clients and customers can increase engagement. Increased engagement means they are more likely to remain in your store or purchase a product or service.

Interactive kiosks are those where an individual will interact directly.

  • Hospitals and medical centers might have interactive kiosks where patients can check in and get directions on precisely where to go for each of the appointments they have.
  • Service providers like car repairs can let people check in for an appointment and direct them to which car bay they should head toward to drop off their vehicle or where to go to pick it up and pay.

Tip: If you install an interactive kiosk, consider specific features like interaction, real-time updates that provide patients with a list of how many people are in line ahead of them, and QR codes that they can scan to read information on preventative medicine or other services they might be interested in.

Wall mounted displays are those which, as the name suggests, are physically mounted to the wall. These are great displays to use for information that is useful and time sensitive.

  • Business centers can use a wall-mounted display to provide information on where offices are on which floor and directions on how to get there.
  • Hotels and larger conference centers can use wall-mounted displays to provide real-time updates on where different events are taking place and at what time, especially for larger conferences.

Tip: If you install a wall-mounted display, consider features like real-time updates and multimedia content. Multimedia content can display related graphics like a three-dimensional map of the facility so customers and clients can quickly see where they are in relation to different parts of a larger conference center.

Freestanding units are a great way to utilize outdoor digital wayfinding signage for temporary uses.

  • Stadiums and other large outdoor venues can place outdoor digital wayfinding signage throughout the parking lot and the open congregation areas so people know which entrances to use for different events.
  • Larger medical centers or shopping malls can use outdoor digital wayfinding signage to showcase sales that are happening in different stores and direct customers to where that store is in relation to where they are in the parking lot.

Tip: If you install a freestanding unit, consider providing special features like promotions and advertisements not just for current events but for upcoming events or upcoming sales.

Digital Wayfinding Signage at the International Airport

Benefits of Digital Wayfinding Signage

Digital wayfinding signage improves the user experience by providing clear, dynamic directions and additional information. With traditional wayfinding signage, users only received the precise information they needed as to where they were going or where they needed to be. 

But today, wayfinding digital signage makes it possible to increase that interaction and engagement by not only providing directions but providing useful information like a list of upcoming events for a casino, upcoming concerts for a stadium, as well as a list of all the events during a weekend business conference.

With wayfinding digital signage, companies can also reduce visitor stress and enhance the efficiency of movement within spaces.

For example:

  • A business lobby can now install wall-mounted kiosks around the perimeter of the walls so that visitors are not standing in line blocking the entrance while waiting for information from a secretary.
  • A mall can display outdoor digital wayfinding signage in a parking lot so that people are not congregating near the front doors when they are trying to find their way around.


Overall, there are several ways in which you can enhance your visitor experience and interaction by capitalizing on digital wayfinding signage. Gone are the days of individual letters and felt boards or printed posters. Businesses can adopt new types of digital wayfinding signage for simplifying navigation. Consider how these technologies can be leveraged to improve spatial experiences for your customers and clients alike.

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